It is a question that has been on the minds of literally ones of Americans since I thought it up this morning(you wo
uldn't get this from any other guy). Early in 2008, RickRolling was such an Internet phenomenon, that it became so massive, it collapsed into its self like a dying Star Jones. In March of this year, you would be RickRolled a minimum of 10 times daily, from such benign sources as an email from your grandpa, a Facebook message from a girl you impregnated, an unsolicited IM from a child molester, or even just some random punk on the street yelling "You know the rules, and so do I" (after you hit him with your car).
Now a days though, it is harder to find Rick Astley than is was, find Rick Astley two years ago. Are we, as a society, ready to revert to an Astley-free life, or are we never gonna give him up? This is an answer I must know, because I believe that we, as a race of hairless apes spinning around on a big b
To find the answer to the question on the funnyinicity of RickRolling, we dispatched the crack research staff here at Pen15 to get on the case. They were unavailable, however, because they spend all of their time finding humorous metaphors for me to put in my writing. Those guy work harder than an immigrant beaver (thanks for the
None of the seniors at the library I talked to thought RickRolling was funny anymore (they kept mumbling something about "aren't you the guy who brought them here?"). One of the cops I talked to was no stranger to love, however, and he said that the boys at the station get the occasional chuckle on a RickRoll. Then he arrested my black friend for 'suspicion of mischief', and riot cuffed him to a drinking fountain pipe.
I guess I have to find my own answers. We will just break this down into the pros and cons of RickRolling, then at the end of it, we will decide of the verdict.
Pro: When you here the opening string verses of the RickRoll song, you laugh.
Con: You only laugh when it happens to someone else.
Pro: The song makes you laugh because you haven't heard it in years, and it is kind of entertaining.
Con: Any song sucks if you hear it 10 times a day, even from AC/DC
Pro: It is a good way to get over on some asshole
Con: If they guy is that big of an asshole, you should goatse him instead
Pro: This song makes you think about other entertaining 80's songs you forgot about
Con: None of your friends talk to you anymore
Pro: It is fun to do it to old people who don't get confused and don't understand the joke
Con: You puncture your spleen laughing at them so hard
Pro: Internet losers you RickRoll frequently ignore you
Con: Because they are so afraid of Rick Rolling, you can't give them the next entertaining meme
The next entertaining Internet meme
Pro: Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Con: Sometimes the truth is hurtfulPro: Never gonna run around and desert you
Con: I wish you would desert me, because since you never run, you are out of shape, fat, ugly, and I don't think I love you anymore. I gave up my career to be with you, and now it seems like you are perfectly happy being a loser. Well I'm not happy. I feel suffocated in this relationship.
Well, that is all I came up with so far. The verdict seems to be, sadly, that RickRolling just isn't funny anymore. If you want to make it on the Internet (and nothing, nothing is more serious than the Internet), you have to evolve to new situations. It just seems like RickRolling is a relic of the past, and will soon be forgotten along with all of the other crap from Spring of 2008 like Mike Huckabee, retired Brett Farve, and Drillbit Taylor.
But I wanna tell you how I'm feeling. I gotta make you understand. I don't like this. Call me old fashioned, but I am not going to abandon Rick, because I know he would never let me down. For proof of this, check out my testimonial on you tube....
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