Saturday, February 2, 2008

Stealth Is The Worst Movie I Have Ever Seen

Seriously, Jamie Foxx needs to give his Oscar back. And why is Jessica Biel wear so much makeup to fly he super, awesome Stealth fighter? The computer graphics are pretty horrible. The band of big headed vagina mouths from the Mos Eisley Cantina think that the special effects are lame.

I can't beleive how stupid someone was to think this would be a tolerable movie. But as long as their are illiterate, 14 year old retards who have parents with disposable income, movies like this will keep getting made. However, on the plus side, the more money kids spend on shitty movies, the less money they will have to buy meth.

Maybe I had it all wrong. I am sorry Stealth! I failed to understand what an admirable public service you were doing. Sure you destroyed Jamie Foxx's career, but you also kept some dipshit from tweaking his brains out because his best friend Skylar's step-dad knows a place to get cheap crank.

I am sure that Meet The Spartans is saving hundreds of lives as we speak.

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